Level up your trading card game experience with MetaKhai! With an extensive selection that includes popular titles like Pokemon, One Piece, and more, MetaKhai is here to meet all your TCG needs and help you embrace the TCG lifestyle. Join us on this thrilling journey as we compete, collect, and invest in this hobby that we all love.

  • Buy

    We take pride in our diverse product catalog that caters to collectors and players. Explore our selection of sought-after Japanese products, spanning from Pokemon to One Piece. In addition, we stock both out-of-print and the latest English TCG sets, ensuring you have access to the most current releases.

    Featured Products 
  • Sell

    Supporting both online and brick-and-mortar retailers is a big part of what we do. With our expertise, we bridge the gap between suppliers and retailers, providing special pricing options. Whether you're an online store or a physical shop, our goal is to help you access the products you need at competitive rate.

    Middleman Service 
  • Trade

    Did you know that we also offers a trading service? Whether you're looking to expand your collection, complete a set, or find that elusive rare card, our trading service has got you covered. The best way to reach out and inquire about our trading service is by contacting us via Instagram.
